Archive for the 'Annual Conference' Category

Annual Conference, Special Announcements

Reminder for 300th Anniversary Video Contest!

Are there any videographers out there? The Congregational Life Team of the Church of the Brethren General Board is sponsoring a video contest for next year’s Annual Conference. The winning video on the 300th anniversary theme will be featured on the floor of Annual Conference either during business or worship.

Each video submitted must be no longer than 3 minutes. More information can be found on the attached entry forms or you may contact me. Submissions are due February 1, 2008 to me. Please send a dvd of your creation to:

Jeff Glass
5460 Gilbert Dr.
San Diego, CA 92115

So, I invite you to be thinking about next year’s theme: Surrendered to God – Transformed in Christ – Empowered by the Spirit; John 12:24-26a and be creative with your talent!

I’m excited about this project to celebrate our church’s anniversary! If you know of anyone who might submit a video, please download the forms and pass them on to your friend.

We are now less than 2 months away from the contest deadline for submitting videos. I trust there are people out there who are planning to enter one. If you are thinking about entering, please let me know.

Blessings to you,
Jeff Glass

Video Contest Information Form

Video Contest Entry Form

Annual Conference, Media for Worship, Special Announcements

300th Anniversary Video Contest

Are there any videographers out there? The Congregational Life Team of the Church of the Brethren General Board is sponsoring a video contest for next year’s Annual Conference. The winning video on the 300th anniversary theme will be featured on the floor of Annual Conference either during business or worship.

Each video submitted must be no longer than 3 minutes. More information can be found on the attached entry forms or you may contact me. Submissions are due February 1, 2008 to me. Please send a dvd of your creation to:

Jeff Glass
5460 Gilbert Dr.
San Diego, CA 92115

So, I invite you to be thinking about next year’s theme: Surrendered to God – Transformed in Christ – Empowered by the Spirit; John 12:24-26a and be creative with your talent!

I’m excited about this project to celebrate our church’s anniversary! If you know of anyone who might submit a video, please download the forms and pass them on to your friend.

Blessings to you,
Jeff Glass

300th Video Contest Entry Form

Annual Conference, Media for Worship

Software and Media for Worship

It was good being at Annual Conference and seeing many of you. I wish there was more time for us to get together to dream about what our church can become, on both the national and local scenes.

I co-led an Insight Session with Russ Matteson on Enhancing Worship through Digital Glass. One of the questions that arose from that Q & A afterwards is what kind of software are people using to develop their media presentations. What do you use? Those at conference named MediaShout, Easy Worship, Powerpoint, Photoshop Elements, Roxio Media Creator, and Adobe Premiere Elements. Another piece of software that was used very effectively in two presentations is Photo Story. Its a freebee at

What kinds of software do you use? How often do you plan media presentations for worship?

Blessings to you!

Jeff Glass

Annual Conference

Annual Conference Activities

I’m involved in leading two activities at Annual Conference that may be of interest to you.

The first event is called, “Conversations for Emergent Pastors”, 1pm, Cleveland Convention Center Rm 212A. I’ve been leading this group for 3 years. The purpose is for pastors who are either exploring or attempting to do Emergent ministry in their congregations. Last year, the meeting took 2.5 hours before I cut it off. There was some really great sharing, networking and support going on. This will be another time where you can meet other pastors from around the country to increase your perspectives of what’s happening and what other’s are doing in ministry.


“Enhancing Worship through Digital Stained Glass“ will be held on Tuesday, from 12:30pm – 1:30pm. The purpose of the insight session will be to inspire those who are not yet doing multimedia in worship, as well as to allow those who are to show-off their creations. This is my second session. I invited Russ Matteson to be a co-leader with me on this one. He’s done some great multi-media work. From the submission that have come in so far, I think this insight session is going to be revealing in terms of the Brethren who are on the cutting-edge in the CoB, but how far their cutting-edge is from those outside the CoB. I’m hoping that this insight session will start another networking group of people who can inspire each other to grow and improve their art.

So, if you’re coming to Annual Conference in Cleveland, I hope you’ll drop-into these activities!

Jeff Glass

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