Archive for the 'Everything Must Change (McLaren)' Category

Change!?!, Community, Everything Must Change (McLaren), Understanding Context

What Story Does Your Congregation Live By?

In Brian McLaren’s book, Everything Must Change, he writes about “framing stories” and the effects they have on groups and societies (Chapter 9, pp. 65-73). A framing story is that which we tell ourselves and follow in life. He writes on page 67, “If our framing story is wise, strong, realistic, and constructive, it can send us on a hopeful trajectory. But if our framing story is dysfunctional, weak, false, unrealistic, or destructive, it can send us on a downward arc, a dangerous, high-speed joyride through un-peace, un-health, un-prosperity, and even un-life.“.

I think another way to think about the definition of a framing story is, what is the vision that created the group and guides it today.

The idea of a “framing story” is challenging to consider. Our founding fathers, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, certainly began framing our story as a nation. This framed story guides our justice system, I think, more than the other two branches of our government today.

As I read more about the concept of a “framing story”, it made me wonder about congregations, and their framing story. How does their story get started? How does the original framed story impact their lives today? How many are aware of their congregation’s framing story? How can understanding their story impact their future in positive ways? How do they work at re-framing their story, so that it remains relevant to their participants and inviting to new people?

I think so often we follow the script of our framing story almost unconsciously. Thus, it guides us without our consciously reflecting upon, “Is this where we want/need to go?”.

One of the things that excites me about the Emergent Church is their passion for following Christ pushes them to reframe their congregation’s story. Or, in the case of church planting, frame a new story for people to be guided by.

If you’re in an established church, do you know your congregation’s “framing story” is? What are some of the ways that you think your congregation’s “framing story” guides it today? Are you satisfied with it, or desire a new story to follow?

What story does your congregation live by?


Books / Readings, Change!?!, Everything Must Change (McLaren)

New Blog Page on McLaren’s Book – Revised

Hi everyone!

In November, I sent out a post asking if you would be interested in blogging on Brian McLaren’s new book, Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crisis, and a Revolution of Hope. Many of you have responded in a positive way. So, a new page is being added to this site just for blogging on this book. First, you’ll see the heading for this new page at the top menu bar. Secondly, I attempted to create a new page that the link above goes to. The new page doesn’t allow us to blog, like the home page does. It only allows us to “Reply” to the original post. So, I’ve contact my web designer to create a new page that will allow us to blog in a better fashion (with headlines, etc.) This will be up and running in about a week.

I’ve organized a system for reading to help keep us on the “same page” so-to-speak (or at least the same section of the book). I’m looking forward to being in Brian’s Deep Shift conference in San Diego (March). Reading this book with you will be a helpful way of preparing. It will also be a very helpful way of processing the information with each other.

Meanwhile, if you are reading the book and have some comments to make, please reply to this current page. The comments will be transferred over to the new page when its completed.

Also, if this reading schedule doesn’t match-up with your schedule, don’t worry about it! Please contribute to the conversation. The more who respond, the more challenging, inspirational and fun this venture will be!!!

If this book blogging goes well, we’ll have to try another one afterwards!

Blessings to you,