
Millennium Park Chicago – The Chrome Bean

It is huge, it is reflective, it is post modern, and it looks like a giant bean! I found it fascinating. Obviously someone had a great imagination to come up with this giant interactive sculpture. Even more importantly, the leaders of the project had the fortitude to give the artist the “okay” to make it happen.

I believe Jesus calls us the church to the same kind of “visionary” thinking about ministry. While we always are called to stay grounded in the New Testament teachings about Jesus – we also need to open ourselves to new ways of spreading the Gospel.

Monday Movie Ministry has been such a ground breaking ministry for Glendale Church of the Brethren. We screen a meaningful contemporary secular movie, take a pizza break halfway through the movie, and then we close with a discusssion drawing out the biblical themes from the movie. Finally, we close with prayer and spend a little time in fellowship.

Secular movies were once seen as an “enemy” of Christianity. However, today there are many meaningful movies being produced today that give us a wonderful illustration of biblical themes. I love doing this ministry.


Doctor “J”