A Really BIG Idea…
Been reading ”
It’s a very helpful book about discipleship and the connection of that to all that we do. I highly recommend it to you. The Big Idea is that we work in teams to plan the preaching, teaching, and events of the congregation around a BIG IDEA each week. The teams work 9 weeks out… so that there is lots of time to be creative and tweak the service. Coupled with the worship gathering, the BIG IDEA Team can develop the small group resources and children’s and youth minsitry resources to coincide with the week’s big idea. That way the entire church could be focussed in the same direction. This creates stimulated conversation between parents and children, other small group members, and participants in the life of the congregation. What a neat concept!
We already use a Worship Design Team approach to creatively designing and leading worship at Community of Joy. It’s a great help and lots of fun too! We have been able to add a freshness to our worship experience by utilizing the gifts, ideas, and input of several folks on a team. No longer is it just me that plans and designs the worship gathering. I highly recommend that to you also. I would be happy to share further if you have questions.
22 Feb 2007 Martin Hutchison comments off