I HATE Altar Calls….
I have long hated altar calls… since a boy in growing up in church… they seem so manipulative. And frankly, I don’t think they work anymore these days. In fact, let me say that stronger… they DON’T work!
Here’s why I say that so strongly… three weeks ago on Feb 22, I offered an altar call in both of our worship gatherings… NO response. None… Nada… Zip! Then the very next Sunday – March 1, I introduced a response card in each bulletin. I got 7 responses that day from people wanting to commit their lives to Christ, be baptized, and/or join the church. The very next week, I got 3 responses.
Go figure!
I think the day of the altar call in USAmerica is over!
11 Mar 2009 Martin Hutchison
Thanks, Martin, for your recent posts! I really enjoy your writing and I’m sure others do, too!
Altar calls. . . is the purpose just to receive Jesus, or is it broader? Having been in your service once, I remember you had a time of response after your message. People got-up to engage the prayer stations.
In other CoB’s that I’ve visited in recent years, the invitation (each week) to respond to God by coming forward for prayer, healing, or salvation seems to be growing in popularity. In the church I attend, 10 to 15 minutes is planned after the message to allow people to respond to the moving of God, in whatever way they need to. Prayer counselors and the pastor are always available in the front for anyone with a need they want to share.
I guess the point I want to make is that when the invitation is always extended to come forward and it becomes part of the culture of the congregation, its not quite the scary, non-productive kind of event that the occasional altar call can be (for both the congregation and the pastor).
These are my feelings. . . does anyone else what to chime-in from your perspective?
Jeff Glass