Live Sent Post #2
So this week was a fairly full week and I didn’t get around to posting a second reflection on the book “Live Sent” by Jason C. Dukes. But here are some more “random” thoughts about the book and some quotes that I especially resonated with.
First off, I would say that one of the best chapters in the book relates to discipling, or “discipleship”. This chapter was a much needed part of the book, and a much need part as we think about Veritas and our future. Rethinking the idea of Discipleship being individualistic, cognitive-only, and done in a class with a beginning and end point. Afterwards you are a disciple and you have your certificate to prove it. He says that “Discipling is learning and living the ways of Jesus so that others learn and live His ways, too, so that others learn and live His ways, too, and so on.” Jason says that discipling is a “process, a multi-tasking kind of process that has as its core value the necessity of doing life together.” He frames discipling around 3 elements:
1. A first element I would suggest for the discipling process is relationship.
2. A second element I would suggest for the discipling process is discernment
3. A third element of discipling I would suggest is release. (this third part to me is so needed and follows Jesus model of sending out the 12 and the 72.) Jason expands on this by saying, “Church leaders must be willing to measure success not by how many people they can draw and manage, but by how many they can release and relate with and coach to be discipling far beyond their influence and control.” And one way to do that is by watching the calendar of the church, “We will not busy you with church activities, but rather we will equip and release you to be the church within yoru daily and weekly activities.”
Here are some other quotes from other parts of the book in regards to living a sent/missional life:
“You were made to know life abundantly, and life abundant happens when you live beyond yourself.”
“If we rethink our ‘live’ and embrace wholeheartedly a life lived beyond ourselves rooted in the ways of Jesus, then it will influence the way we define success in life.”
“He trusts you with the responsibility of sharing His love with the world and being a significant part of His restoring humanity.”
“Getting to know the people of the culture we have been sent into and knowing the effective ways to connect with and communicate with them is called “contextualization”…..”Unless you are befriending them, eating with them, drinking coffee with them, encouraging them, learning from them, and giving yourself away to the people of yoru culture, you are not contextualizing.”
“The health of a local church is actually not based on the number who ‘attend’ but rather the way in which people love one another and are walking relationally in life.”
Another great section of the book in my opinion was chapter 7 entitled “Stay on the postal route (or wireless travel. Our spheres of influence in daily living.) In this chapter he lays out the spheres of influence that you have in your daily life and how to live sent in the midst of those spheres. His spheres of influence include: family, Neighborhood, Marketplace, World, and the Web. Ths is a great reminder, especially the family and Web part, as sometimes I forget about living sent to my wife and children, and extended family, and I almost have never thought about living sent on the web.
I’m sure there are more quotes that I could write about. More thoughts I could write about. More ways of Living Sent, but I think these are enough for now. I have finished Live Sent and will be moving to the book “Thy Kingdom Connected:What the Church can learn from Facebook, the Internet, and Other Networks” by Dwight J. Friesen. I will be blogging about this book in the near future as I read it.
29 Jan 2010 RyanBraught
I got this response from Jeff Saferite, my 3DM Coaching Huddle leeadr:Our small groups/Expedition Groups will meet outside of our Missional Community space. Our Community nights are strictly for the invitation of persons of peace to join and do normal life celebration with us. The only spiritual content given during this time is towards the things we are thankful for and stressed about, which ends with prayer for those things. We have a lot of non-Christians in our midst.For individuals who attend Community night and service opportunities regularly, we will invite them into Expedition Groups. At this point, we are looking to use The Story Formed Life as a vehicle for EG’s .Story Formed Life is 10 weeks long, which I like. Our basic idea here is for persons to understand the story of God and what he is up to.After the Expedition we want to invite them into an Open House. Here we are looking to use the Tangible Kingdom Primer, an 8 week study laying out the need for incarnation/missional community. Our pilot group has really loved TKP. This is a little bit higher commitment (emphasis on little) as it asks the individual to do daily devotions based around a certain topic for the week. Our basic goal here is to help them see what the church should look like (a community on mission together). It’s important to remember each of these are happening in the midst of normal community life. It’s like getting to look under the hood of the car while it’s turned on. Our hope is that this gives us a good balance of information and imitation. Most individuals that will be invited into the Expedition and then Open House have been active participants in our Missional Community for sometime.After the Expedition and Open House, we will invite them into a Huddle. We will probably use a different name than Huddle and will bridge a lot of Covenant and Kingdom into the beginning of it since most of our participants will be new believers. This will also mean that the majority of their reading/Kairos moments will come from Scripture rather than BDC. I am trying to reserve BDC (which assumes a church and gospel background) and Huddles to the training for MC leeadrs. I’ll let you know how it goes.