EneME — A blogpost by Eric Bierker
Pastor Ryan Braught posted a link to this blogpost from Eric Beirker who participates in Veritas Church. I love it! I found it very inspirational and got permission to share it here. In the beginning of the post, he tells the missional focus of the church during worship. Next, Eric tells a story of how it played-out in his life. Here’s a short teaser:
“So much of a church service can be pew passivity, this (Veritas’ missional) approach definitely encourages activity. And if not activity, really awkward silence. Really awkward silence…a shaming silence. I departed yesterday vowing to put my faith into practice more intentionally and no sooner had I thought more about “how?” a dude came out and asked for money.
I declined giving him cash but struck up a conversation with the man. I offered to buy him a cup of Lancaster’s finest coffee at Square One and he accepted the offer. No sooner had we started walking there, he went on good versus bad people verbal jag. . .”
To read the whole story, go to EneMe|bierkergaard.
30 Mar 2012 Jeff Glass