Len Sweet and an interesting conversation about emerging church
Here is a link to an interesting conversation Len Sweet had about emerging church http://www.georgefox.edu/journalonline/archives/fall05/emerging.html
05 Nov 2007 Martin Hutchison
Here is a link to an interesting conversation Len Sweet had about emerging church http://www.georgefox.edu/journalonline/archives/fall05/emerging.html
05 Nov 2007 Martin Hutchison
That was a great article. I have been playing with the image of missional not being facing outward – for that doesn’t imply we are trainig, there is a way in or out. I rather and starting to use the model of everyone in a cirlce looking at the back of the one next to you. Then you have one arm in the circle and one arm out. That way there is a way in and out of the center of the circle where people are being trained and cared for within the church. This feels more like a sending and welcoming model for me. Just a thought…