I’m reading an excellent book just off the press by Len Sweet called “The Gospel According to Starbucks.” I’m reading it because our leadership team is interested in opening a third place business in our community. More on that in a later post when I can get it to be the topic….

But here is something Len says that I think we emerging church folks need to think about as we plan ministries and worship gatherings… “Only two things are keeping professional sports going for postmoderns: Fantasy sports and video games. ” The reason this is so, is the HUGE desire to interact with the sport, not just sit and soak! Think of the implications of that in worship and ministry. Getting people involved. Making room for personal connection — personalization is huge. One of the reasons that I like prayer stations and like them centered around the theme of the day and after the sermon sets the stage is the time for folks to personally interact with God in the context of community.
